Monroe Moxness Berg PA’s attorneys are nationally recognized for handling the many facets of sophisticated real estate transactions. We represent clients across a full range of commercial, mixed-use, retail and residential development matters.

Our attorneys understand that timely and sometimes creative resolution of issues is essential for a successful transaction. We are client-focused and work to understand the needs of our clients in the context of their overall business goals. Our experience in real estate transactions on a local and national basis allow us to provide valuable insight on how to take the most efficient and cost-effective path in order to close the transaction.


  • Purchase and sale of all types of commercial properties
  • Structuring the acquisition and divestitures of multi-unit transactions
  • Multifamily housing construction, development and transfers
  • Financing of commercial, housing and health care facilities
  • Triple Net leasing
  • 1031 and other Tax Free Exchanges
  • Representation of institutional lenders
  • REITS organization, counsel and financing
  • Tenant in common ownership
  • Title, survey and environmental due diligence
  • Zoning, land use, planning and condemnation